
Saturday, October 20, 2012

DIY: Menu Board

The bane of my week is menu planning.  I despise getting close to dinner time and having the typical conversation in which both people claim to not care what is for dinner... what's worse is when we decide upon something and realize we don't have the ingredients! I found this idea on Once Upon a Chocolate Chip Pancake... and it's helped tremendously.

At the beginning of the week I pull out 7 menu cards and clip them to the board.  Each card has the entree (and possible sides) listed on the front, and then the ingredients on the back.  This means that I can simply throw the cards in my purse and have a ready-made grocery list.  Once a week I do the major grocery shopping with these cards, then the remainder of the week I rest easy knowing I have all we need to make dinner for the week.  

Creating this board is easy and cheap... check out Once Upon a Chocolate Chip Pancake's website to see how.

DIY Weekly Menu Board

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